Friday, March 1, 2013

guns, controls, and idiots

Well I really just made this to talk about our government. I really don't want you to believe every thing I say search it for your self i am gonna start with guns well gun control Mr. Obama wants to take away some of our guns or all of them you may not believe this is a big deal but it is he took an oath to abide by our constitution. The second amendment say we have the right to bear arms (have guns) key words have guns not just semi automatic guns but any gun. a semi automatic gun if you do not know what a semi automatic gun is that means it shoots 1 bullet every time you pull the trigger. he can not blame this on the sandy hook shooting cause the guy used a pistol and a semi automatic gun which is not an automatic gun. This is about control.  
thats what Hitler said this is what our own vice president said “You don’t need an AR-15, referring to an assault-style rifle. “It’s harder to aim, it’s harder to use, and in fact, you don’t need 30 rounds to protect yourself.
 last time I checked it was my choice but i haven't checked in a while.

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